Tioman Island

The Dive Company

Did my rescue diver course with TDC and I am currently doing my Divemaster course with them as well. They have trips to Tioman Island weekly during the season and at a very reasonable price for a 5 star dive centre. There were a few things with regards to TDC which I find really professional and fun: 

- They have really good safety awareness.

- They knew when to be professional and when to have loads of fun. 

- They did not have separate groups but instead all the divers would sit together. 

- They are able to give a proper rationale and reason for everything they teach and advice.

- They do not pass you for the sake of passing.

Asides from that, they would adapt their plans accordingly to the changes of the weather and despite of the changes, they will do your best to maximise the amount of dives to give you a wonderful trip. 

They are a PADI dive center which would be more expensive as compared to SSI, however I still prefer the branding over SSI as they are not as "Commercialized" in a certain way [At least in Singapore's Context]. Lastly, TDC is like a family and you will always feel welcomed to their gatherings [if you can make it].

Tioman island is where I did all my certifications from Open water to rescue diver. The dive sites that I have visited in Tioman while doing my certifications are as follows: 

- Payar Bakau

- Labas

- Renggis

- Jahat

- Malang Rock

- Sipadan Wreck

- Soyak

- Tomok

I am going to be very honest that I do not have much of a memory with regards to any of the dive sites above other than Renggis as it was the only one that has an underwater "playground" [It left an impression when I was doing my open water course].  

More about Tioman

Tioman is an island frequent by Singaporeans during the weekends mostly to get their scuba diving certification.

Tioman is like the basic bij of islands for Singaporeans, even more so if you are a scuba diver. It would be known for the plentiful dive sites around the island and the waters in that area is course "Friendly" in a way. At the same time you have the chance to see turtles (The magical animal for 99.99% of open water students). Also, you have the chance to encounter huge barracudas or maybe some shy reef sharks. 

My favorite part of the island? It is DUTY FREE!!!! It would be a heaven, especially for Singaporeans who have to pay such huge amount for "vices" that is actually so low in production cost and yet legal but causes more deaths [according to stats] as compared to those illegal. Nothing against those who are using those """"Vices"""" as well because I am one of you. Oh yes please do try their Ramly burger and you will realise the ones in Singapore have so little variety.  


Bali Indonesia (Tulamben)

